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How Long Did It Take Noah To Build The Ark

Noah's Ark: Debunking Common Misconceptions

1. Noah Spent 120 Years Building the Ark

This misconception stems from Genesis 6:3, which states that God gave Noah 120 years to repent before the flood came. However, this verse does not specify that Noah spent all 120 years building the ark.

2. Noah Began Building the Ark When He Was 500 Years Old

Genesis 5:32 states that Noah was 500 years old when he became a father. However, this does not mean that he began building the ark at that time. Genesis 6:14-16 only mentions that God instructed Noah to build the ark after the flood was announced.

3. Scripture Supports Noah Taking 120 Years to Build the Ark

There is no biblical evidence to support the claim that Noah spent 120 years building the ark. The Bible does not provide a specific timeline for the construction of the ark.

Timing of Noah's Ark Construction

While the Bible does not provide an exact timeline for the construction of Noah's Ark, we can make some inferences based on the available information:

  • Noah began having children in his 500th year.
  • Noah was instructed to build the ark after the flood was announced.
  • The flood came when Noah was 600 years old.

Based on this, it is reasonable to assume that Noah spent several decades building the ark before the flood came.
